Tuesday, December 1, 2009

LEGO MAN UPDATE! because i know how much you care . .

Horay! My project is no longer just some fragmented muse or mental fart! It actually has substance beyond the fact that its about some lego dude. And I'm being quite literal when i say it has substance. My exhibition in a box is about a lego person- namely Dan Brickman (brickman-brick-lego . . . well i thought it was clever). Dan Brickman is a drug addict. Yes- even in the magical world of lego, there are substance abusers. This exhibition will chronicle the progression of his addiction and the substances that aid in this progression . . . somehow progress doesn't seem like the right word. AT ANY RATE, the reason i chose lego for this project or, rather, the reason I adapted this idea to that choice of media, is fragility. Fragility in that the mind of the addict is irrational, altered, and thusly fragile. Lego isn't the most durable building material out there, so I thought that concept worked well with the medium. And now that i say that, I'm surprised at the durability of some of my creations . . . . . . shit.

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